India’s Leading Manufacturer of Wide Format Digital Inkjet Systems
PIXELJET®! A brand of trust.
- Latest and innovative products
- Customisable and cost-effective solutions
- Best in class after sales support
- Economical and fastest returns on investment
- Customer focused
- Fastest turnaround time
Words From Our Trusted Customers.

“We are using wide-format equipment from Monotech Systems from the last three years in our sister concern Siddha Graphics. As we have tried and tested Monotech’s technology, we invested in Pixeljet for indoor applications, especially Continue to Read…

“The flatbed and roll-to-roll machine consists of a multilayer printing feature that helps to print several colours and white ink layers in a single run. Pixeljet 2512 RMO will enable us to print on a range of media on both flatbed and roll-to-roll, especially Continue to Read…

“We use the printer for printing directly on acrylic and ACP sheets and for POP and POS applications,’ said Nilesh Moghe, managing director, Wedha Communications. ‘The machine is reliable and the quality of the print is really Continue to Read…

“We believe that investment done on Pixeljet UV Hybrid printer will help us tap new opportunities in the markets and will open the new doors of revenue generation. It’s been 4 years of our operations and we have been growing exponentially Continue to Read…